2020 - 60 years ago


2020 - 60 years ago

30 December 2019

Categories: feng shui   Newsletters/Newsletters Annual   Newsletters/Newsletters Current  
Tags: 2020   fire   metal   period of 9   power   water  

These are some of the events which took place 60 years ago when we last had a metal rat year. Here's a great link.

JFK was elected in November 8 1960 a very significant period of time for human beings exercising enough wisdom to step back from the brink of mutual destruction!

The pill was also 'born' in 1960.

OPEC was formed this year and so began the saga of world petroleum / oil prices we have inherited now.

The Pioneer Spacecraft was launched in this year.

The inauguration of Brasilia as the capital of Brazil.

Significant events in the American Civil Rights Movement occurred this year with landmark legal wins.

A very significant number of people participate in the ban the bomb march in London (I see this as very much akin to the Students climate strike Fridays and the inspiration of many young people  are framed up around the preeminent issue of the period of 9 - climate change!

Summer Olympics held in Rome and this year (2020) they will be held in Tokyo for the second time since the modern games.

Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho premiered.

USA launches its first weather satellite.

The most influential (in my opinion) book to Kill a Mockingbird was published - I think it has deep resonance now with the issues around bullying, trolling, trial by media, etc. These are 'issues' which belong to Trigram Li.

The Soviets shot down the U2 spy plane and captured the American pilot which led to a significant worsening of the cold war.

For further reading follow this link.

120 years ago

As the Metal Rat headed up the 1st decade of the 20th century - 1900! What other lessons can we learn from history or other signals from 1900.

When I was studying art (a life time ago) we learned that the transition to the new decade and the new millennium became known as the Fin de Siecle (end of the previous century - again that depends on what side of zero you fall).

Some VERY significant events which correspond with the water and metal of the metal rat include:

The outbreak of a Smallpox epidemic is a quintessential water and metal disease. The raised, hard lumps with water inside are the lesion of small pox and those who have been exposed and survived have a typical pock marked face which show where the lesions were - they are a permanent disfigurement.

Now to blow your mind - 25% of all cars sold in 1900 were electric!!!! So we can certainly say that the electric car will reach a deep penetration world wide in 2020.

The Boxer Revolution in China set the stage for the massive changes that modern China was framed up around - that and the Japanese occupation. Most historians point to the Boxer Revolution as the single act of imperialism and deliberate manipulation of a population that created Opium dependence as an act of colonisation / control of the population.

Work commenced on the New York subway system. Subways can be seen as a metal water feature. The long parallel lines are regarded as water as they convey or conduct things inside a channel. They are made from metal and convey trains which can be seen as being under the influence of metal and water. They can also be moist or damp - yin water.

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