Social media

Twitter: Cancelled

It is with great sadness I have quit my twitter account which I first set up in 2010. I was so enthusiastic that this could be a wonderful tool for building community and communication. Sadly that is becoming less and less true as these social media platforms take no responsibility for the dreadful slurring of people, bullying, trolling and the such. These are not my values and I refuse to participate in a culture / community that does not penalise bad, unethical and just plain mean commentary in the public arena.

Facebook: Cancelled

This organisation treats their employees poorly, allows bullying, intimidation and hijacking of accounts. They are acting irresponsibly with other people's information and instead of treating it as a social contract they allow their algorithms etc to manipulate others through marketing tactics (nothing wrong with that in essence but in application VERY tricky when shared values are not previously established). 

LinkedIn: Still active

YouTube: Still active

My single voice will not be missed! If you want to stay tuned then do sign up for my newsletter and blog updates.

All of us are responsible for what we say, think, and write. 

Mindfulness, Tai Chi and Chi Gong

Vicki has been involved in teaching all three modalities. They are all connected to a sense of the centre and the stillness in movement and the movement in stillness. There are MANY forms of Tai Chi and 10,000 forms of Chi Gong, but stillness is stillness and our invitation is find the centre of all things and move towards that. We run regular 2.5 hour workshops throughout the year and you are invited to learn more here. Regular practice is the key to restoration of balance and equanimity and ultimately resilience.

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Read Latest Blogs

2025 Wood Snake Newsletter

This is my first newsletter since December. 2024. Which is almost exactly 12 months ag. I usually start the newsletter in the period between my bir...

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2024 Annual Flying Star

Cure5, 3, 7, 2Enhance or leave alone4. 8. 6, 1, 9Curing the challenging stars 20245 will move to the west into the gua of metal. 5 is Earth by elem...

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2024 year of the wood dragon

Chinese Lunar New Year starts 10:23 am on the 10th Feb 2024.Solar New Year starts on 16:27 4the Feb 2024.Start your feng shui fixes on the 13t...

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Period of Nine has arrived

Fire2024 is additionally auspicious as it heralds the arrival of the period of 9. It is associated with the 2nd daughter and is associated with Li ...

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Chinese New Year 2023

2023 Chinese New YearToday is the start of the Chinese New Year (Saturday 21st of January 2023).Today those Chinese who still have family in their ...

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2023 - Internal-Flying-Star

2023 Internal Flying Stars (inside buildings)Sha Qi 2023All sha chi is exacerbated by what is in the environment.if you have Telegraph poles, T int...

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The eyes

Where the eye goes, qi flows.

Cultivate Feng Shui eyes.