17 December 2024
This is my first newsletter since December. 2024. Which is almost exactly 12 months ag. I usually start the newsletter in the period between my birthday and 1st of January. More about my birthday later.
I am gradually moving towards my full retirement from Feng Shui. But, I'm still of two minds about doing an annual newsletter. If you do wish to remain on some sort of mailing list for an annual update, please email me directly.
On a personal note. I am expecting my third grandson. Late January. 2025. The reason I am late sending out this newsletter is he made his mummy go to hospital last week for a 24-hour rest – my feeling is that he will make a slightly earlier appearance and yes whatever date he appears he will be a late Wood Dragon!!! That answers your question eh.
How does one predict what life will be like with a third grandchild and the needs of the third generation. I never lived close to my parents, nor did we live close to Daniel’s parents, so my children did not have their grandparents around. One of my son’s lamented to me as an adult that he really missed having Grandparents and he was (and still is) inclined to adopt any spare grandparents.
Well, I want to make sure that we provide a three-dimensional experience for our grandchildren. And I must say, it is such fun now with the first grandchild, Frances, now four, we can now get into doing lots of craft. And he already has a wonderful relationship with books. Which makes my heart sing.
My second grandchild, Emmanuel is like gazing on the sun. He is a happy child and when he finishes scanning your eyes, he graces you with the biggest and most beautiful smile. He too, loves books (and food), but in a very different way to his brother. Of course there are two years difference.
In February, when school goes back, Frances will go to school just around the corner for his formal kindergarten year. It will be a nice walk for whoever takes him to school.
As you know, I don't usually give this much detail about my family life but with so many variables. How can one tell? That reminds me of a very famous Buddhist / Taoist Parable. It’s about a family who have a young son. And a beautiful white horse. When events happen in the village and to the family and to the horse and to the kingdom the parable repeats “good or bad. Who can tell?” I like that as a guiding principle – it is only with the right amount of distance from an event that we can ‘see’ what is and can examine the lesson. We learn nothing from good fortune – often we end up taking it for granted (just watched a very interesting doco about the life of Leo Tolstoy ). George Lucas has made a bunch of docos about notable people – look for LucasFilms on YouTube, but it is thru adversity that we discover our true capacity.
There are things finishing up for me. I do believe that I will never make another video for my YouTube channel. So, If you have not visited, or have forgotten a lot of the material around landform that I posted quite some years ago – do so soon as June 30th I will take all that material down. This is the date I have selected to pack up my old life and reduce my digital footprint. The YouTube Channel is scheduled to be removed around June of 2025. So go visit now and if you want a permanent copy of the videos for some curious reason. I will put the material I am taking off YouTube and my website and they will be available on my Google Drive until December 2025. The same for all the meditations and visualisations, but you will have to contact me so that I can add your name to that folder. Again the whole footprint will disappear permanently by Dec 2025.
As part of my culling, pruning and clearing I will also retire my website. That will be scheduled to come down June - July 2025 before I must renew the web hosting for 2025.
To finish off the thing about the birthday - on Dec 15th I turned 74. Had a fabulous day and my daughter baked me a cake we had family and very close friends - a great day and we sat outside under the quince tree. This is another reason i'm hanging up the Feng Shui dancing shoes - time for the magic to go to others in the metaverse.
2025 the year of the Wood Snake
Part 1
2024 Year of the Dragon Review
In anyone's language 2024 the year of the Wood Dragon has been an extreme year.
With the American elections delivering peculiar outcomes. And as I write this, much of that is still to be settled as The Trumpster continues to tinker at the edges of the American democratic experiment. And on reflection, one must say that The American Constitution has been in place and in play for one of the longest periods of time. Even the French Constitution and Democratic Republic gets reviewed periodically, with or without violent overthrow of order. Of the largest self-proclaimed democracies around the world, it seems that the USA is the longest standing without having been subject to forceful revision. The UK is a Constitutional Monarchy so not a Democracy in the full sense of the experience / experiment.
Talking of France, that is another country which has undergone a radical change this year as no stable form of government seems to have ensued from the French elections conducted earlier this year declared on the whim of Emmanuel Macron. Just a few weeks ago the 4th or 5th Prime Minister of the Republic of France was invested in 2025, and, a mere few days later, Notre Dame Cathedral was re-consecrated. That is indeed a good outcome for France, Paris, the world! An example of resilience and a shit load of money from around the world to restore it.
There were multiple elections around the world which delivered things that had not been expected – Mexico, India, Indonesia, Poland, Indonesia, Tasmania, Brazil,
Here is a quote from Wikipedia which outlines the most unusual nature of the outcomes of the elections – Good or Bad who can tell!
The year 2024 is notable for the large number of elections which were held worldwide: more than 100 countries from around the world,[2] home to nearly half of the global population,[3] will vote, including eight of the world's 10 most populous nations – Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia, and the United States; in addition, the European Union held elections for the European Parliament in June. Around 4 billion voters[4] – approximately half of the world's population – are eligible to vote in elections this year.[5] 2024 has been called the year of elections. This year is expected to have a big impact on global politics.[6]
As of November 2024, almost every incumbent party worldwide facing election in 2024 lost vote share, including in South Africa, India, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan, though they did not necessarily lose power.[7] Among democracies, over 80 percent saw the incumbent party lose support compared to the last election.[8] This is the first time this has ever happened since 1905 (when data was first recorded) and the first time in the history of democracy, as universal suffrage began in 1894.[9]
It is my prediction that Tasmania will go to an early election in 2025 as the Government with its non-majority will tumble as they actually only have guarantee of supply being four seats short of a majority in their own right.
2024 we had the Wood Dragon, meeting the Period of 9 ingress to steal a phrase from Western Astrology. They nearly got a woman president of the USA, they did get a female president of Mexico (with a stonking majority BTW) and there are upwards of 10 female heads of states or Presidents / Prime Ministers in power at the moment. Some won their seats / positions this year – so we see some evidence of the rise of female leadership around the world – Michelle Bulloch our RBA Governor was appointed this year, and of course so too was our Governor General Sam Moyston. I notice that the boards of both the new Monetary Board and the Governance board of the RBA have women appointed to some of the new positions or they have transferred across at their own request.
9 is the energy of fire AND of Financial Markets (which go up and down as does fire), some people classify it as Metal, but Financial Markets now govern so much more than metal-based assets we must look at how the qi moves to determine what is the governing element. Just because something was ‘classified’ or determine at point x in the timeline of human life it remains so as the constituent parts alter or their relationship to the whole alters.
Part 2
Year of the wood snake 2025
Lunar New Year – 29th January at 22.10 hrs.
Solar New Year 3rd Feb 2025 at 18.06 hrs.
We will have yin wood sitting over the snake which has 3 energies embedded in it – the primary qi is metal, followed by fire and then by earth. This means that when it meets different monthly qi it will manifest differently. It is also one of the corners of the 12 grid and is called a travelling sign. It signifies rapid changes. It is in clash with the Pig which governs the month of November (wood) and is a travel sign also.
The annual stem is wood, the metal of the snake chops at the wood like a nasty little biting insect or a snake in the grass. It will NOT be a calm year! Make sure that your travel plans do not involve travel in any of the travel signs – and most particularly NOT November.
As the 3 energies embedded in the snake can combine with other monthly energies to create more or less havoc we need to examine those energies too.
The ox (January) is metal – it thus strengthens the metal of the snake and brings on the shift of qi early – the snake is beginning to manifest already (the loss of life in the Sydney Hobart yacht race, the falls of people from mountain climbing in Tasmania (that’s just in my backyard).
The snake month is May, and the annual snake energy comes together to unsettle financial markets and the financial status quo. I’m not prepared to say if inflation will take off in a big way this month as the Trumpster and his weird Tech Bros take over the world’s largest economy – will they take it into a nosedive or will they trigger rampant inflation – who can tell – like trying to read tealeaves when all you’ve got is coffee!
The rooster month (September) will bring metal up and out again, but this is not going to have the same effect on the financial markets and inflation but rather very heated language and gossip, inuendo, misinformation. This is the month that the Sun enters Virgo and when the eclipse happens – this will be VERY disruptive. Partial Solar eclipse 21/9/25 and 7 – 8th Sept Partial Lunar eclipse.
Monthly qi
2025 is the wood snake – it clashes with the pig – the pig is wood and is clashed by the metal of the snake. November is the month of the pig – they are both travel signs so make sure if the snake or pig is important to you in your 4 pillars natal chart, luck pillar of is your own travel sign then beware of travel plans for November 2025.
The clashes occur in the direction of the snake – southeast (last third) and the northwest (last third). They are the locations and directions of the snake (southeast), and the pig (northwest). These are do not disturb locations and directions.
The other do not disturb directions are the east as it clashes with the 5 killings but the flying star is benevolent – yea, as is the flying star in the south east this year so it mitigates against problems. Does not matter how much mitigation the do not disturb either by you or your neighbours or the general environment still apply. If you find disturbances such as earth works taking place around you then take off for a few days to reduce the pressure.
Part 3
Annual flying star
The flying stars are coloured with their element colours – brown is hard and negative earth, red is fire and it is supported by the gua (wood), green is yin and yang wood both of which are in the metal Guas so less compatible – so take care particularly the direction of the pig (north west)
1,6,8,9 are benevolent
2, 5, 7 are malevolent
3 and 4 are conditional elements – they are in wood guas this year but the opposite polarity – this is not auspicious and requires mitigation, additionally the tai suei and sun po are in the position of the snake and the pig (south east) and (north west).
Part four
Annual energies around the globe
I will not address this section in 2025.
This is partly because the rise of dictators around the globe mean it is difficult to predict what will happen. The 2 in the centre does mean that sickness will come to the fore again and will concentrate on the intestines. Probably also mean travel related disasters such as happened when people were squashed attending festivals in previous years. The snake (metal) and the wood will disrupt earth so there is likely to be earth upheaval. Also, that resolution of conflict will be difficult because no side would be willing to concede to the other(s).
For your own interest if you place the world map unfolded thru the dateline and then place the circular 8 pie over the map you can see where the positive and negative energies lie. The equator is the north south divide. I leave it to you to decode the meanings globally.
map of the world with the 8 guas placed over top. South at the bottom
Part 5
Your ming gua
Just in case you forgot or want a permanent reminder of your ming gua here is a calculator I made many years ago. It will help you decide which of the flying stars will land in the centre of the annual grid. You take the Male Ming Gua for any of the years you are examining. Look to the Annual Flying Star Grid to work out what stars are consorting with your ming gua.
The chart for your Ming Gua will be placed in the Google Drive soon.
Dates to remember
2025 eclipses
Here is a very useful visual tool to see where and when the next eclipse is – such an important time for many cultures and astrological systems. The March eclipse in Aries is especially important as this corresponds with some significant changes with the outer planets starting a march to new ‘barracks’ for from 2 years to approximately 20 years! Ushering in a new paradigm perhaps?
Remember if you want any of these more permanent charts etc then email me and I will allow you access to my google drive in which they will be stored. Be aware that by June 2025 the access will be removed as will the documents as I move to the absolute winding up of my 25 + year involvement with the creative pleasure of Feng Shui.
This is an appropriate place to say thank you to the wonderful people who have shared their homes and lives with me – it has been an honour and a privilege to share with you all. I will also be moving to complete my culling of my paper documents related to your consultation(s).
May the Period of 9 bring joy and happiness to you and if not at least resilience to pick yourself up and recreate yourself or to keep on keeping on. There are many examples of this resilience around the globe and through history – the people I draw inspiration from are Victor Frankl and Marcus Aurelius to name but two.
Thank You
Feng Shui consultations can help to move the energy and patterns that surround you, in your home or work surrounds. Energy can get stuck and stop the natural movement of flow.
Book a ConsultationThis is my first newsletter since December. 2024. Which is almost exactly 12 months ag. I usually start the newsletter in the period between my bir...
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