2021 - metal oxen


2021 - metal oxen

25 December 2020

Categories: feng shui/articles   Newsletters/Newsletters Annual   Newsletters/Newsletters Archive  
Tags: 2021   Barack Obama   Julia Gillard   metal ox   Nadia Comaneci  

The 3 charts belong to:

  • 1.Nadia Comaneci
  • 2.Julia Gillard
  • 3.Barack Obama

Nadia Comenici

she was born the 11th of November 1961 at 10:15 AM in Romania.


She is born in the year of the metal ox in the month of the earth pig, on the day of the earth monkey in the hour of the fire snake.

She has a partial metal flow, that is she has the ox the snake with metal hidden in the monkey. This means she is a follow metal person. Metal is output to an earth person.

First luck pillar was the Yang Metal Rat luck pillar she was nine years of age when she entered this cycle and at age 14 [1976 - Fire Dragon year] she won three gold medals at the Olympic Games held in Montreal.

In 1980 the Yang Metal Monkey year she again won three medals in the Moscow Olympics. She was 18 in 1980. Metal dominates in the stems. The Monkey is special for the Yang Earth Day Master.

She continued to win medals at different European Championships and in 1989 she defected to the USA. This was a Yin Earth Snake year - the Snake is one of the three friends of the Ox.

She has a special day pillar which means that people enjoy her achievements and get uplifted and healed by seeing her performances.She has entered her yin wood snake pillar – again she enjoys the benefits of metal flow which for an Earth day master is output. This is a good, supportive luck pillar.

Julia Gillard

born 29th of September 1961 at 12 noon in Barrie, Wales, UK. She has a Roden score of ‘A’ meaning the hour of birth is pretty certain.


She emigrated to Australia with her family in 1966 and moved to Melbourne to do her Bachelor of arts and law in 86 (Fire Tiger year). In 87 she joined the law firm Slater and Gordon working in industrial law before entering politics. She was first elected to the Australian House of Representatives in 1998 (earth Tiger year) and in 2001((Metal snake year) was elected to the portfolio of population and immigration in the shadow cabinet.

After the 2007 (Yin Fire Pig Year) federal election the ‘Kevin 07’ election she became Deputy Prime Minister and also served as the minister for education, employment and workplace relations. She became Prime Minister on 24th of June 2010 (Metal Tiger year) after Rudd lost the support of his party and stood aside after a late-night coup. She thus became the first female Prime Minister of Australia. After the 2010 election which was fraught with much backstabbing, trolling and vitriol she was able to cobble together a workable coalition of non-aligned politicians which held together until she was challenged by Kevin Rudd and she retired from politics on the 5th of August 2013 (Yin Water Snake year) before the federal election.

Since then, she has gone on to hold many international positions particularly in nurturing the relationship between young women and politics and is very highly regarded amongst feminists for her legendary parliamentary statement about misogyny directed towards the then leader of the opposition Tony Abbott.

When she turned 53 she entered the Water Rabbit Luck Cycle. She may experience ill health in 2023, or difficulties with her health, as 2023 which is a rabbit year.

She has a special day pillar which will counter these problems, or bring the right people into her orbit to help her.

Barack Obama

Born 4th of August 1961 at 1924 hours in Honolulu Hawaii. He has a Roden rating of ‘AA’ as he publicly released his birth certificate this is the most well documented hour of birth.


In 1983 he graduated from Columbia University with a degree in political science and international relations. He worked in Chicago's inner city helping church groups improve job training education and city services to the poor and went on to study law at Harvard. In 1990 a Yang Metal Horse year he was elected president of the Harvard law review and was the first African American to acquire this position. He graduated well and helped organise voter registration in Chicago working as a civil rights lawyer. He has also lectured in constitutional law. It would be interesting if Biden the Democratic president of the United States who is invested in January of 2021 appoints him to the Supreme Court. Given his interest in constitutional law. Just sayin’!!!!

On January 20th, 2009 (earth rat year) he became the 44th president of the US. 2009 (Earth Ox year) he received the prestigious Peace Prize from the Nobel Peace Prize committee and in 2012 (Water Dragon) he was re-elected for a second term.

His day pillar is a special configuration indicating a very intelligent person. This persists for his whole life.

He has a metal combination but can also change to wood and fire in the right circumstances. This called a changing chart - depending on the year branch he can switch out of his dominant flow.

2021 brings a 60-year cycle return on his birthday in August and as it is an ox year it reinforces his metal flow. In 2019 he entered his sixth luck pillar which is Yin Earth sitting over Ox.

Again, this reinforces the metal flow and as he is a Yin Earth Day Master metal is his output. He will continue to be an influential man at least for the next decade. I reiterate perhaps he will be appointed to the Supreme Court????


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